SupportApp / Client / register_slack_workspace_for_organization



Registers a Slack workspace for your Amazon Web Services account. To call this API, your account must be part of an organization in Organizations.

If you’re the management account and you want to register Slack workspaces for your organization, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Support Center and authorize the Slack workspaces where you want your organization to have access to. See Authorize a Slack workspace in the Amazon Web Services Support User Guide.

  • Call the RegisterSlackWorkspaceForOrganization API to authorize each Slack workspace for the organization.

After the management account authorizes the Slack workspace, member accounts can call this API to authorize the same Slack workspace for their individual accounts. Member accounts don’t need to authorize the Slack workspace manually through the Amazon Web Services Support Center.

To use the Amazon Web Services Support App, each account must then complete the following tasks:

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.register_slack_workspace_for_organization(

teamId (string) –


The team ID in Slack. This ID uniquely identifies a Slack workspace, such as T012ABCDEFG. Specify the Slack workspace that you want to use for your organization.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'accountType': 'management'|'member',
    'teamId': 'string',
    'teamName': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • accountType (string) –

      Whether the Amazon Web Services account is a management or member account that’s part of an organization in Organizations.

    • teamId (string) –

      The team ID in Slack. This ID uniquely identifies a Slack workspace, such as T012ABCDEFG.

    • teamName (string) –

      The name of the Slack workspace.
