SESV2 / Client / get_message_insights



Provides information about a specific message, including the from address, the subject, the recipient address, email tags, as well as events associated with the message.

You can execute this operation no more than once per second.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_message_insights(

MessageId (string) –


A MessageId is a unique identifier for a message, and is returned when sending emails through Amazon SES.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'MessageId': 'string',
    'FromEmailAddress': 'string',
    'Subject': 'string',
    'EmailTags': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
    'Insights': [
            'Destination': 'string',
            'Isp': 'string',
            'Events': [
                    'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'Details': {
                        'Bounce': {
                            'BounceType': 'UNDETERMINED'|'TRANSIENT'|'PERMANENT',
                            'BounceSubType': 'string',
                            'DiagnosticCode': 'string'
                        'Complaint': {
                            'ComplaintSubType': 'string',
                            'ComplaintFeedbackType': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Information about a message.

    • MessageId (string) –

      A unique identifier for the message.

    • FromEmailAddress (string) –

      The from address used to send the message.

    • Subject (string) –

      The subject line of the message.

    • EmailTags (list) –

      A list of tags, in the form of name/value pairs, that were applied to the email you sent, along with Amazon SES Auto-Tags.

      • (dict) –

        Contains the name and value of a tag that you apply to an email. You can use message tags when you publish email sending events.

        • Name (string) –

          The name of the message tag. The message tag name has to meet the following criteria:

          • It can only contain ASCII letters (a–z, A–Z), numbers (0–9), underscores (_), or dashes (-).

          • It can contain no more than 256 characters.

        • Value (string) –

          The value of the message tag. The message tag value has to meet the following criteria:

          • It can only contain ASCII letters (a–z, A–Z), numbers (0–9), underscores (_), or dashes (-).

          • It can contain no more than 256 characters.

    • Insights (list) –

      A set of insights associated with the message.

      • (dict) –

        An email’s insights contain metadata and delivery information about a specific email.

        • Destination (string) –

          The recipient of the email.

        • Isp (string) –

          The recipient’s ISP (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, etc.).

        • Events (list) –

          A list of events associated with the sent email.

          • (dict) –

            An object containing details about a specific event.

            • Timestamp (datetime) –

              The timestamp of the event.

            • Type (string) –

              The type of event:

              • SEND - The send request was successful and SES will attempt to deliver the message to the recipient’s mail server. (If account-level or global suppression is being used, SES will still count it as a send, but delivery is suppressed.)

              • DELIVERY - SES successfully delivered the email to the recipient’s mail server. Excludes deliveries to the mailbox simulator, and those from emails addressed to more than one recipient.

              • BOUNCE - Feedback received for delivery failures. Additional details about the bounce are provided in the Details object. Excludes bounces from the mailbox simulator, and those from emails addressed to more than one recipient.

              • COMPLAINT - Complaint received for the email. Additional details about the complaint are provided in the Details object. This excludes complaints from the mailbox simulator, those originating from your account-level suppression list (if enabled), and those from emails addressed to more than one recipient.

              • OPEN - Open event for emails including open trackers. Excludes opens for emails addressed to more than one recipient.

              • CLICK - Click event for emails including wrapped links. Excludes clicks for emails addressed to more than one recipient.

            • Details (dict) –

              Details about bounce or complaint events.

              • Bounce (dict) –

                Information about a Bounce event.

                • BounceType (string) –

                  The type of the bounce, as determined by SES. Can be one of UNDETERMINED, TRANSIENT, or PERMANENT

                • BounceSubType (string) –

                  The subtype of the bounce, as determined by SES.

                • DiagnosticCode (string) –

                  The status code issued by the reporting Message Transfer Authority (MTA). This field only appears if a delivery status notification (DSN) was attached to the bounce and the Diagnostic-Code was provided in the DSN.

              • Complaint (dict) –

                Information about a Complaint event.

                • ComplaintSubType (string) –

                  Can either be null or OnAccountSuppressionList. If the value is OnAccountSuppressionList, SES accepted the message, but didn’t attempt to send it because it was on the account-level suppression list.

                • ComplaintFeedbackType (string) –

                  The value of the Feedback-Type field from the feedback report received from the ISP.
